Restaurants in the area
In the neighbourhood of Penzión Centrál there are several great restaurants you can eat in.
Reštaurácia u Jakuba – is located about 500 meters from the guest house on the JankaJesenského Street in the direction of Lieskovec. The restaurant offers great food and daily menu.
Pizzéria Corino – you can find it about 450 meters away from the pension on Môťovská road behind the railroad. Besides many kinds of pizzas, it also offers salads, soups and various other meals. Pizzeria also makes delivery.
Reštaurácia Enar – about 450 meters from the guest house there is a restaurant inspired by traditional Slovak cuisine located on the JankaJesenského Street.. It offers the a la carte menu of eight main dishes and two soups. Here the customers can either pay by weight of the meal, or choose the "All you can eat" option.